Pro Audio
"If I don't use it in my studio, I won't try to sell it to you
for use in yours."
(Rick Ruskin)
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prices include US shipping (lower 48 states only).
Non-U.S. customers: Please email
before ordering.
RNC500 Compressor - $299 (Shipping included)
Based upon our successful Really Nice Compressor, this variation not only fits the increasingly popular API500 series rack, but delivers an improved dynamic fidelity befitting the format! This dynamic-range compressor provides positive signal control while leveraging its pedigree for simultaneously reducing collateral sonic damage. Additionally, we've added some thoughtful features that most folks won't overtly notice, but will be glad that they're there: overcurrent protection prevents a rare failure from bringing down your whole 500-series rack, an early-warning power supply detection that causes the RNC500 to enter bypass—irrespective of the front panel switch position—to avoid power-down "pops", a robust 18 gauge electro-galvanized enclosure that keeps the delicate electronics safe from harm and helps protect against Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from affecting things inside or outside of the enclosure.
RNC Stereo Compressor/Limiter - $199 (Shipping included)

FMR Audio's first product, introduced over 18 years ago, the Really Nice Compressor (RNC) is a compact and cost-effective stereo compressor with a high-fidelity audio path and compression scheme. The RNC provides quality compression at a budget price.
RNP 2 Channel Mic Preamp - $499 (Shipping included)

The RNP is a pair of separate micpres providing up to 66dB of gain at vanishing low distortion levels in a compact 1/3 rack format. The RNP possesses all the features you'd expect from a professional preamp: accurate signal metering,1MΩ input impedance DI inputs, high input level capability (up to +28dBu input), high-capacity phantom power supply, sealed relay switching for invert/phantom functions, gold-plated 12-position gain switch, TRS insert between preamp stage and output driver, +28dBu TRS-balanced outputs, 5kΩ differential input impedance on mic input, plus features like output muting during phantom engage/disengage and battery or AC mains operation.
RNLA Limiting Amplifier - $249 (Shipping included)

The Really Nice Leveling Amplifier (RNLA) is a compressor, of sorts, with a
character that works well with vocals, bass guitar, acoustic guitars and
two-mix sources. A friend describes the RNLA's tone as "thick and gooey".
Some very well-outfitted RNLA users report that even with a full
complement of expensive, vintage leveling amps/compressors, the RNLA
fills a niche that the others don't!
The sonic performance of the RNLA harkens back to the Really Nice
Compressor's (RNC's) origins. The original RNC was, in fact, based
upon an optical gain element that was ultimately rejected (and
tucked away) due to its imparting of a sonic signature (i.e.,
"color"). However, just like trying to throw away a ball of adhesive
tape, this one has also stuck with (to?) us! What's the old saying?
What's old, is new again? The implementation is a little
different (i.e., no opto) from the 1984 version, but the final sound
is eerily similar...
RNLA500 - $299 (Shipping included)
It's tempting, if not a little lazy, to view the new 500-series offerings as mere repackages of the tried-and-true products like the RNLA. There is really nothing mere about them. It's not that there aren't obvious connections...the RNLA500's lineage is definitely visible and audible: RED knobs—albeit slightly more (ahem!) refined—provide a visual clue as to its origins while it's THICK & GOOEY sound tell you the RNLA's algorithm is still beating in its silicon heart (brain?)! Okay, it's still an RNLA that you can use to add some compression-induced character (and control) to your vocal/bass/drum/mix/guitar/piano/orchestral/banjo tracks. It's also comfortably responsive to its controls, just like our 1/3 rack version. So what about this isn't merely a repackaging?
First, there's the 500-series thing: small, rugged and convenient analog audio processing modules that fit into just about any recording situation—from pro studios to bedroom venues. Having what you need, when and where you need it is, as "they" say, half the battle. The 500-series format is, well, everywhere. Secondly, although convenience and size are important (this is audio after all), if it doesn't deliver the sonic results, what's the point? Even our dyed-in-the-wool RNLA users notice that there's something more here: THICK & GOOEY, meet CREAMY & SMOOTH! From fully, electronically balanced I/O to higher-resolution arithmetic, the net result is a professional audio compressor that's both responsive, small, rugged and has tone for days! RNLA progeny? Yes. But not merely...
PBC6A Compressor - $499 (Shipping included)

The PBC-6A "vintage-y" compressor possesses sonic bits'n'pieces reminiscent of many vintage compressors. From mild and smooth satin-like sound to over-the-top squashing, the PBC can be dialed-in to enhance almost any sound source. The PBC provides an unusual control complement to provide maximum flexibility in dynamically sculpting your sound: variable sidechain, sidechain access, hyper-exponential & linear release envelope control (Normal/THICK mode), 4 different linking methods, separate ATTACK & RELEASE time controls, hardwired bypass function and balanced audio input/output stages.
Great River Electronics Microphone Preamps
MP-2NV Designer Dan Kennedy's version of what vintage
should sound like. Based on the classic Neve 1073 front end. Two
channels of sonic magic! SEE Image Below
List: $2,960.00
Lion Dog Music Price
(including US shipping) -
Single channel version of the MP-2NV shown above.
List: $1,495.00
Lion Dog Music Price (including US shipping) -
EQ-2NV (Dual channel
digitally controlled analog driven EQ)
List $3,770
Lion Dog Music Price
(including US shipping)
(allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery)
(Single channel
digitally controlled analog driven EQ)
List $2,080
Lion Dog Music Price
(including US shipping)
(allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery)
Single Rack Kit for ME-1NV or EQ-1NV
List $85.00
Lion Dog Music Price (including US shipping)
- $75.00
Dual Rack Kit for 2x ME-1NV or 2x EQ-1NV units
List $117.00
Lion Dog Music Price (including US shipping)
- $100.00